Directions and Gate Access

This page is primarily to direct your visitors and contractors to Lauderdale Bay as well as to provide them information for Front Gate Access. Simply text them the following link to this page (On your mobile phone, long press on the underlined word "Link" below and select "Share link" or "Copy link address"). This page should provide all the information they need to find you and access the gate.


Building Addresses - Click address below to access Google Maps
249 Venice Way - Building 3 - 1st building on left after entering Front Gate
257 Venice Way - Building 2 - 1st building on right after entering Front Gate
265 Venice Way - Building 1 - 2nd building on right after entering Front Gate

Elevator is located in the parking garage on the ground floor.
***Note: Elevator is inaccessible to visitors between the hours of 5PM - 9AM. A resident will need to escort you during these hours.***

Directions for Gate Access
1. Approach Front Gate. Gate Call Box is on the left.
2. Use direction keys to locate and select the resident you are visiting by last name.
4. Press Enter. Call Box will dial that resident's telephone number.
5. Resident will grant access using their mobile phone and gate will open automatically