Did You Know?

This page contains polite reminders of various issues involving the LB Master Deed and LB Rules and Regs. They are included here as a handy reference:

Grocery Wagons
New wagons were purchased to replace most of the old (red) wagons - many of which were in a state of disrepair. The Board requests that all homeowners take care when using the wagons. The weight limit is 50 lbs and should be as evenly distributed as possible. These wagons are provided primarily to assist with grocery transport and are strictly for homeowner use only
It has come to the attention of the Board that some contractors are using these wagons when replacing flooring and doing other work. In some cases they have been loaded with tile and other heavy weight materials that exceed the weight capacity. Please refrain from using the wagons for a purpose they are not intended so that they may remain in operable condition for as long as possible

Trash Chute
Just a reminder that the trash chute on each floor is designed to handle household garbage and trash only. Anything placed in the chute should be in a "kitchen size" or smaller garbage bag. Loose items and especially cardboard boxes (even if broken down) can clog the chute and cause unnecessary expense to the HOA to have it unclogged. 
Also, cardboard and other trash cannot be stacked in the garage near the dumpster. Larger items that cannot fit in a kitchen size garbage bag should be taken to the nearest recycling center for proper disposal. Cardboard and other recyclables can be placed in the recycling container on the northeast side of the property near Bldg 1.

Dog and Other Pet Waste
It has come to the attention of the board that some homeowners are not properly disposing of pet waste. Pet waste has been observed all over the property and waste bags have been discovered in the storm drain which results in pollution to the waterway and neighboring developments.
The board encourages all homeowners to review the section of the LB Rules and Regs entitled "Pets". Homeowners are responsible for properly disposing of pet waste and can be fined $100 for each instance of non-compliance. 
Gate Security
The security of Lauderdale Bay is a responsibility of all homeowners. Each homeowner is provided an access sticker for their primary vehicle. The proper method to allow contractors access is to have them use the Gate Call Box to call you for access. If you have not already done so, you should contact the management company to have your name and associated telephone number programmed into the Call Box Directory for contractor access. 

Just a reminder that per the LB Master Deed, Section 7.1 (b), balconies are "Limited Common Elements". While they are reserved for use by the individual homeowners, maintenance of the balconies (other than doors and screen doors) is the responsibility of the HOA. 
Modification of the balconies in any way is not permitted.  This is especially important now that new stucco exteriors have been installed at great expense. These exteriors cannot be breached by wall hangings or any other intrusions. None of us wants to repeat the recent construction project in a few years by compromising the new waterproofing. Breaching these exteriors also voids all warranties provided by the construction contractor. Homeowners will be held responsible for any repairs resulting from unauthorized modification to the balconies.

Parking Spaces
Parking spaces are designated as "Limited Common Elements" in the LB Master Deed. They cannot be used to store household items and unregistered/unlicensed motor vehicles. Vehicles parked in parking spaces should be in working order and not leaking fluids that can damage garage flooring.

Any approved items stored in the parking space cannot cause the homeowners primary vehicle to protrude into the garage driving lane. Also, per insurance regulations, gasoline and/or propane tanks are not permitted to be stored in parking spaces or on balconies.
The board encourages all homeowners to review the section of the LB Rules and Regs entitled "Parking and Automobile Regulations" to better understand what is and isn't allowed in designated parking spaces.

Flooring Replacement
If you are replacing your flooring, please note that the subfloor is a vital building "system" that cannot be replaced without prior approval. The subfloor is composed of a gypcrete material that provides both fire protection and soundproofing. The original subfloor can be damaged during the process of flooring replacement - particularly tile floors. Please notify the management company prior to replacing your floors and if that work will require any repair or replacement of the existing subfloor. An engineer's report is available that explains the dynamics of the subfloor and the approved replacement process.
Unit Renovations
Major unit upgrades require prior Board approval. Also, the LB Rules and Regs requires homeowners to notify the management company of any contractor work of 4 hours or more. In addition, homeowners are requested to forward any required building permits to the Board and the management company prior to the work being performed. This is for your protection as well as your neighbors. Work such as plumbing, electrical, subfloor, etc. affect not only your unit but potentially all units in your building if the work is not performed according to code.

Interior Repairs and Modifications
Section 11.3 of the LB Master Deed outlines interior modifications and alterations that require prior authorization by the Board. In addition, the "Interior Maintenance" section of the LB Rules and Regs require that the management company be notified of any interior maintenance work of 4 hours or longer duration. Interior painting, flooring, etc. would fit that description. 
Homeowners/contractors have, on occasion, made modifications to units that are prohibited by the Master Deed. In some cases these modifications violate local building fire and safety codes. In order to avoid costly re-work, please notify the management company of any extensive maintenance or modifications you intend to make to your unit. This is especially important if that work includes structural members, sub-floor, electrical, or other vital building systems.
Water Heater Replacement
The original water heaters supplied with our condos were manufactured in 2006 and rated for 10 years. They are all overdue for replacement. Water heaters that are beyond their rated life expectancy can result in malfunctions and/or leaks that risk your property and all units below yours. There are legal issues in knowingly neglecting a repair that causes damage to other units. If you have not already done so, please take action to replace your water heater as soon as possible. 
Roof Access
Prior to any work that requires access to the roof, all homeowners must contact the management company for authorization. There has been damage to the roof caused by HVAC contractors in the past. As a result, the board tightened roof access and more closely monitors work that is accomplished on the roof.